Bahco Bowsaws
(Approx $31.1255)
The name Bahco is synonymous with high-quality cutting tools, and these lovely lightweight bowsaws are no exception to the rule. Bahco bowsaws are made to the highest standards. Each of the outdoor saws that we offer is ideal for forestry, bushcraft, forest school and garden use.
Some of our ranges of Bahco Bow Saws have blunt noses, these are ideal for use in tight spaces, especially when pruning spiny shrubs, such as Blackthorn or Hawthorn.
All of our saws from the Bahco range offer textured grips and hand-guards for safety and each have a unique mechanism in the handle which makes changing and tensioning the blade effortless with minor adjustments. The well-built blade fittings and high blade tension make precision cutting unforced and natural, meaning smoother and easier work.
We currently offer several models from the Bahco range of bowsaws:
12-Inch (All)
21-Inch tapered nose (All)
21-Inch (Dry)
24-Inch (Wet)
24-Inch (Dry)
You will notice from the drop down that some of the bow saws have the words ALL, WET or DRY next to them. Wet saws refer to a blade that specialises in cutting 'green' or living trees. Dry blades are primarily designed to cut dry timbers, also known as deadwood. We use the word ALL for those which either don't quite fall within either category or are general purpose. Regardless, you can still exchange the blades for different types, but when we specify this, it means that either a wet or dry blade is supplied with the bowsaw frame as standard by us
IMPORTANT: By placing an order for this product, you declare that you are 18 years of age or over. We will run checks to establish your age, so please enter YOUR correct date of birth at the checkout. Should you enter incorrect information or details of a family member your order will be placed on hold until you contact us and provide us with official forms of ID. If your details don't match with official records, we will not dispatch! This item must be used responsibly and appropriately.
"I 1st tried budget saws with a small blade length thinking they would be safer. They were pants. I then tried these which are 1,000,000 times better. They're sharp and have an easier guard to remove than other saws which for forest school is when an accident may well happen. Don't bother with cheaper saws get these."